Hindsight and Future Endevours is Good Stuff
When I first decided to enter the MSIDT Masters program at Cal State Fullerton I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting myself into. Yes, I read the description of what the program was about and what it was to provide. But I had not been in school for over 17 years and had never
experienced taking online courses. I can now confidently say 4 semesters later that I wish the opportunity to take online courses the first time around would have been an option...
Being able to work on assignments and "check in" on my timeline is so welcoming. My biggest obstacle has been taking educational examples and meaningfully converting their content into tangible information that I could use in the Corporate setting. I believe I have done a decent job executing this, I can only imagine that my Cohorts' will enthusiastically be relieved not to see the text, " At my workplace". Needless to say, this adventure is coming to a rapid end, graduation is right around the corner.
I'm especially grateful for all the new friends and perhaps future co-workers I have made and look forward to the future.